WSNTA – Membership


Membership is open to anyone who is either :

  • Already a member of the National Trust.
  • Already an employee of the National Trust.
  • Already a volunteer with the National Trust.
  • If you are the spouse of a Life Member of the National Trust.

Sometimes people actually join the National Trust in order to qualify for membership of our Association.

Membership currently costs £10.00 per annum.

Membership is for one year starting from December 1st. Generally, anyone joining late in the season [September onwards] will have their membership extended to include the following year.

To download a membership application form click here , or go to the Contact Page if you require further information.

If you would like to join, or get more information :
You may write to the Membership Secretary,

Mrs.R.Ball, Mole End Cottage, 8, Redway, Porlock TA24 8QG
Please enclose an A5 sized stamped addressed envelope if possible.

To download our Constitution click here.
To download our Data Protection Policy click here.